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Assamese Style Shrimp and Bottle Gourd Curry

Shrimp and bottle gourd curry

Shrimp and bottle gourd curry is a very delicious recipes. I cooked this recipe in Assamese style. The basic ingredients of this recipe are bottle gourd  and shrimps. I gave it an Assamese touch by adding  Khar in it.

Now,  what is khar ?

-  khar is an alkali prepared from sun dried skin of some varieties of banana.  It is prepared by filtering the water from the burn ashes of the skin of the banana. It is preserved in bottles and can be used for months. It sounds bizarre but Assamese people are using khar as a cooking ingredient since time immemorial when salt was not discovered. It is believed that khar cleanses the stomach. A traditional Assamese meal begin with khar. It is served with rice.

• How to make Khar
• Doron bon khar recipe
• Papaya khar recipe

Assamese Style Shrimp and  Bottle Gourd Curry 

Assamese Style Shrimp and Bottle Gourd Curry

📎Course : Main Course 
📎Cuisine : Indian/ Assamese 
đŸ”ĒPreparation Time : 20 minutes
♨Cooking Time : 20 minutes
🕞Total : 40 minutes
🍴Servings : 2


  • 2 cup chopped bottle gourd
  • 200 gms shrimps
  • 1-2 tbsp khar
  • 1/2 tsp panch phoron
  • 1/2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
  • 1/2+1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp red chilli powder
  • 1/4 cup chopped coriander leaves 
  • 2 tbsp mustard oil
  • Salt  to taste


  1. Clean and wash shrimps. Rub with little turmeric and salt.
  2. In a pan heat oil. Fry shrimps. Drain and keep aside.
  3. In the remaining oil add panch phoron. When crackling add ginger garlic paste. Add turmeric powder. Mix and add chopped  bottle gourd. Add red chilli powder.
  4. Cook for sometime in medium heat by covering the lid.
  5. Add salt and 1 cup of water. Again cook for some time by covering the lid.
  6. Add khar and again cook for sometime until bottle gourd becomes soft and tender. Add little more  water if required.
  7. Add fried shrimps. Cook for sometimes by covering the lid.
  8. Add chopped coriander leaves.
  9. Remove from heat. Serve with steamed rice. 


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