This green chutney is a speciality of winter season made from fresh coriander leaves and green olives. I like this chutney with pakoras (fritters). But it can also be served with french fries, nuggets and momos. This chutney can also be served as a side dish with any Indian meal.
Green Chutney Recipe:
đCourse : side dish /dip
đCuisine : Indian
đĒPreparation Time : 5 minutes
♨Cooking Time : 0 minutes
đTotal : 5 minutes
đ´Servings : 3-4
đ´Servings : 3-4
- 1 cup chopped coriander leaves
- 2 mature green olives
- 2 green chillies
- 1 small piece of ginger
- Salt to taste
- In a blender jar take all the ingredients. Add little water if required.
- Blend it in a smooth paste.
- Now the green chutney is ready to serve.
*You can add more chillies if you like . It's taste is little hot little sour. You can add little vinegar if you want to store it for a couple of days. Store it in the refrigerator. Whenever you want just take out from the refrigerator and serve it.
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I am obsessed with everything green! This looks and sounds delicious and is FULL OF NUTRITIOUS goodness! Thanks for sharing đ
Thanks Christie for this lovely comment
Deletei love green chutney...its delicious
ReplyDeleteIt is very delicious. Thank you.