Guest post : Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe by Ija Mihirayan
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Sweet and Sour Chicken |
If you are searching for a different yet simple but tasty chicken recipe, then you have come to the right place. Check this sweet and sour chicken recipe by Ija Mihirayan. Jaggery for sweet and tamarind for sour. The combination of these two ingredients gives a very good and unique taste to the chicken recipe. Serve this recipe as a side dish with rice at lunch or dinner. Try this recipe on this weekend and don't forget to give the feedback if you liked it.
Ija Mihirayan is a home chef based on Jorhat, Assam, India. You can check her other recipes in her Facebook page.
Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe
đCourse : Main Course
đĒPreparation Time : 15 minutes
♨Cooking Time : 30 minutes
đTotal : 45 minutes
đ´Servings : 2-3
đ´Servings : 2-3
- 500 gms of boneless and skinless chicken cut into 1 inch pieces (500 āĻ্ā§°াāĻŽ āĻšাā§°āĻŦিāĻšিāĻ¨ āĻুāĻুā§°াā§° āĻŽাংāĻ¸ ā§§ā§Ŧ āĻুāĻুā§°া)
- 2 large Onion finely chopped āĻĒিā§াāĻ āĻĄাāĻā§° ā§¨āĻা āĻŽিāĻšিāĻৈ āĻূāĻা
- 2-3 cloves of garlic finely chopped (āĻ¨āĻšā§°ু 2-3 āĻোঁāĻš āĻŽিāĻšিāĻৈ āĻূāĻা)
- Pepper (āĻাāĻ˛ুāĻ āĻুā§°ি) 1/2 +1/2 tsp
- Soy sauce (āĻā§াāĻāĻ) 2 tbsp
- Cumin powder (āĻিā§°া āĻĒাāĻāĻĻাā§°) 1 tsp
- Meat masala (āĻŽিāĻāĻŽāĻāĻ˛া) 1 tsp
- Jaggery (āĻুā§°) 4 tbsp
- Tamarind pulp (āĻĒāĻাāĻ¤েāĻ¤েāĻ˛ী) 3 tbsp
- Refined vegetable oil
- Turmeric (āĻšাāĻ˛āĻ§ী) 1/2 tsp
- Salt to taste (āĻ¨িāĻŽāĻ āĻĒ্ā§°ā§োāĻāĻ¨ āĻ āĻ¨ুāĻ¸ā§°ি)
- Chopped coriander leaves for garnishing
- Wash the children pieces under running water. In a large bowl take the chicken pieces. Add salt, soy sauce, pepper and 1 tbsp refined vegetable oil. Mix well. āĻĒ্ā§°āĻĨāĻŽে āĻুāĻুā§°াā§° āĻŽাংāĻ¸ āĻিāĻ¨ি āĻাāĻ˛āĻĻā§°ে āĻ§ুāĻ āĻ¨িāĻŽāĻ, āĻā§াāĻāĻ, āĻাāĻ˛ুāĻāĻুā§°ি āĻā§°ু ā§°িāĻĢাāĻāĻŖ্āĻĄ ā§§ āĻাāĻŽুāĻ āĻĻি āĻ¸াāĻ¨ি āĻ˛āĻŦ |
- Heat a pan and then roast the children pieces. Keep aside. āĻāĻāĻ¨ āĻĒেāĻ¨āĻ¤ āĻুāĻুā§°াā§° āĻŽাংāĻ¸ āĻিāĻ¨ি Roast āĻā§°ি āĻ˛āĻŦ|
- In another pan heat jeggery, 1/2 cup of water, tamarind pulp and cumin powder. In low heat cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and keep this tamarind syrup aside. āĻāĻ¨ āĻāĻāĻ¨ āĻĒেāĻ¨āĻ¤ āĻুā§°, āĻĒাāĻ¨ী āĻāĻ§াāĻাāĻĒ, āĻ¤েāĻ¤েāĻ˛ী, āĻিā§°া āĻĒাāĻāĻĻাā§° āĻāĻĻি āĻĻি āĻāĻŽ āĻুāĻāĻ¤ ā§Ģ āĻŽিāĻ¨িāĻ āĻŽাāĻ¨ āĻāĻ¤āĻ˛িāĻŦ āĻ˛āĻŦ|
- Heat 1 tbsp oil in another pan. Add chopped onions. Fry till translucent. Remove from heat, drain and make a paste of fried onions. āĻ¤াā§° āĻĒাāĻāĻ¤ āĻĒিā§াāĻāĻিāĻ¨ি āĻাāĻি āĻ˛ৈ āĻĒেāĻˇ্āĻ āĻā§°ি āĻ˛āĻŦ|
- Heat the remaining oil or add more 1 tbsp of oil. Add onion paste, chopped garlic, turmeric, meat masala and salt. Mix well and add the tamarind syrup. Keep the gas in low heat and stir constantly. Now add roasted chicken pieces and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes or until the gravy becomes thicker. Remove from heat. āĻļেāĻˇāĻ¤ āĻāĻāĻ¨ āĻĒেāĻ¨āĻ¤ āĻĒিā§াāĻā§° āĻĒেāĻˇ্āĻ, āĻুāĻা āĻ¨āĻšā§°ু, āĻ¨িāĻŽāĻ, āĻšাāĻ˛āĻ§ী, āĻŽিāĻāĻŽāĻāĻ˛া āĻĻি āĻাāĻিāĻŦ| āĻ¤াā§° āĻĒিāĻāĻ¤ āĻ¤াāĻ¤ āĻ¤েāĻ¤েāĻ˛িā§° āĻিā§°াāĻĒāĻো āĻĻিāĻŦ āĻā§°ু āĻāĻŽ āĻুāĻāĻ¤ ā§°াāĻি āĻ˛ā§°াāĻ āĻĨাāĻিāĻŦ| āĻāĻ¨ āĻšৈ āĻ āĻšাāĻ¤ āĻ¤াāĻ¤ roast āĻā§°ি ā§°āĻা āĻিāĻেāĻ¨āĻিāĻ¨ি āĻā§°ু āĻাāĻ˛ুāĻāĻুā§°ি āĻĻি ā§Ģ āĻŽিāĻ¨িāĻāĻŽাāĻ¨ ā§°াāĻি āĻ¨āĻŽাāĻ āĻĨāĻŦ |
- Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve immediately.
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